Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Concerning the 9/11 conspiracy theory, do you people actually think we live in a conspiracy free society???

I mean c'mon people, the government covers things up on a daily basis. You think this is any different. Go watch "Loose Change" on google and tell me what you think. Also, watch Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Facism. Hello? Council on foriegn relations (the main branch of the power elite), the Federal Reserve controlling inflation, The Patriot Act, Illegal wiretapping, New World Order, Real ID Act, Verichip's Rfid chips to be implanted to buy and sell (fulfullment of the prophecy of revelations in the bible), world bankers profiting from war, 9/11 as a precursor to enter war after war(Afghanistan%26amp;Iraq %26amp;maybe Iran soon), and you can't forget the mega censorship mass media mind controlling machine. There is definitely propaganda going on behind the scenes and in many forms. The media will automatically "smear" you if someone tries to go public with conspiracies concerning the "Owners of America" i.e. power elite that runs this country behind the scenes. The Matrix? Take the red pill.

Concerning the 9/11 conspiracy theory, do you people actually think we live in a conspiracy free society???
So who? What about the manhatten project? People, you need to wake the hell up!!!!! We need help. If we could just get some in the MSM to remove their tin foil hats(schills for the corp govt) and start telling the general public the truth!!!!
Reply:It's moronic to use the Manhatten project for an example. Those were great Americans! You sir, are a putz to compare the two. Saving Americans is a far cry from murdering them. You need to wake the hell up. Report It

Reply:Of course conspiracies exist. It's the only way that a country can survive. If everyone knew everything, then even those who want use dead would know our secrets, and that can be very bad. Not to mention that nothing would ever get done for fear of public reprisal from one group or the other.
Reply:No one is saying that. We're just saying 9/11 wasn't becaus it would be imposible to carry out without too many ordinary people getting involved and keeping a secret for 6 years
Reply:9-11 is an inside job.
Reply:Propaganda and carrying out conspiracies that claim the lives of thousands of innocent people are very... VERY different things. If you truly believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy carried by the American government you are beyond hope...
Reply:ignorance is bliss
Reply:United States sucks.


Sucks I live here.

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