Hello and can I just apologise in advance if I offend any Muslims with this question, which is a serious one.
I was baptised a Christian and recently- with the world being the way it is- I have been thinking about prominently wearing a crucifix. So can someone of the Christian faith answer the following?
I am a Scottish Protestant and in some way, I have always been led to believe that those of the Roman Catholic faith wear crucifixes which incorporate a figure of Jesus of Nazareth. Whereas, a Protestant would wear a PLAIN crucifix. Is this supposition correct? For instance when I saw the lady who was suspended from BA I noticed she was wearing a plain crucifix, so presumably must be C of E.
Am I correct in this? If it's true I'd be interested how it came about.
Respectful question regarding crucifx with/without Jesus figure?
protistants would normaly wear a plain cross but they do not see it as a lucky charm the way catholics often view the crusifix. it is only a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made but we know he is now in heaven with God the father
Reply:People that believe Jesus dispensed his grace by dying on the cross wear and have the symbol of a CROSS, not a CRUCIFIX. The crucifix is a Catholic symbol that Jesus is basically in essence still dying on the cross everyday for our sins and grace is dispensed piece by piece little by little through the sacraments while Christians believe that all a person need do is accept Jesus as Lord and he has the grace of God in full and the forgiveness of his shed blood.
So that is why a Catholic crucifix has a dying Jesus on it still and the Christian cross is empty. It is all a matter of grace. So what does the Bible teach about grace? Which is more accurate to say?
Reply:Generally, your observations are true.
For Catholics, somewhere in the world the Mass goes on 24 hours a day seven days a week, commemorating Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross. (a good thing)
For Protestants, we generally celebrate the victory represented by Resurrection Sunday, when Jesus was no longer on the Cross. (also a good thing)
[former Catholic, now Protestant]
Reply:Most Christians who wear a cross wear a plain one the thinking being that Jesus is not on the cross-He is Risen, It is a Roman Catholic tradition to wear a crucifix. The earliest Christians did neither of course--it would never occur to someone who had witnessed an actual crucifixion to wear an image of one as jewelry or use one as decoration.
Reply:I'm not sure that there is a hard and fast rule, but in general your assumption is correct. Those crucifixes with the figure of Jesus on tend to be worn by Catholics and those without by protestants, though I have known Catholics to were crucifixes without the Jesus figure and protestants to where them with, though this is not common.
Reply:you are free to choose any you like but years ago the protestant faith always had the plain kind to distinguish them selves from the catholics who they said were to idolotrous and worshiped statues and finery ....... sorry for the boring history
Reply:Personally, I feel that the use of the plain cross is more appropriate, that we should show the world Jesus is no longer on the cross but is risen and at the right hand of the Father. This is IMHO of course not a rule but a conviction.
Reply:If you do some investigation into the origins of the cross, you will find that Jesus was not crucified on a cross but a stake. It was many years after he died that certain religious heretics started the false doctrine of the cross. Even then, would you want to wear a symbol of the instrument that killed a loved one? A cross is a way for merchants to make money off religion. Just like they do with the holidays. That is why in the book of Revelation it says the following:
18 After these things I saw another angel descending from heaven, with great authority; and the earth was lighted up from his glory. 2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird! 3 For because of the wine of the anger of her fornication all the nations have fallen [victim], and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to the power of her shameless luxury.”
Babylon the Great is false religion. Any religion that teaches false doctrines about Christ, such as the cross, hellfire, trinity, and the immortal soul. These are the antichrist because they teach doctrines that are against Christs teachings.
Reply:Crosses are a sect specific religious symbol, I think most christians would not wear one but the minority sunday kneeler sects such as Catholics often do.
Christ himself was not nto this religious symbolism and the cross is by definition a post christ Christian symbol, surely it shold be wooden not gold if it is to have any symbolism.
Reply:I prefer to wear a crucifix as opposed to a cross, just as a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
What you need to keep in mind though, is that they are just jewelry. Your true beliefs are in your heart! If I lost my crucifix, that wouldn't mean I lost my faith. God always has and always will be a major part of my life. Heck, He's the reason I am who I am...!
Reply:I just want to make one thing clear first... Did you accept Jesus as your savior, or did you just get into the baptismal and get wet? If you did not accept Jesus as your savior and repented of your sins, and just got into the baptismal, all you accomplished was to get soaked and wet. I pray that you also accepted Jesus as your savior. Baptism alone will not get you into heaven, You must be born again through acceptance of Jesus as your savior, and repent of your sins. I do pray you are truly born again, and congratulation for that if you did. Praise the Lord!!
You dont have to wear a cross at all, to show your love for the Lord to the world. That love can be seen in how you live, talk, act, and share the word of God with others. It can be seen in how you handle life's difficult situations.
When people see that you are accepting and trusting in God, and that you dont' get bent out of shape when things go so very wrong, they look at you and say to themselves..." I sure wish I could be like that person is when I have troubled times". Then they ask you how you handle things in such a peaceful way.
You see... you dont have to wear any cross on the outside, as long as you have Jesus living with you on the inside, and He is no longer on the cross. Praise the Lord. He has risen and is alive today!!!
1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
This is what a person is doing when they handle rough times in there lives through their faith In God. They are doing it for the Glory of God. He gets all the credit for your inner peace, and then you tell them how they can acquire that same inner peace, by you introducing them to Jesus. You will truly be blessed abundantly for it.
God bless you.
Reply:pROTESTANTS TAKE jESUS OFF THE CROSS SIGNIFYINY hE IS RISEN OPPS why Catholics leave Him on there is not in my understanding but I wish to say this. We are told explicily to be of one accord and to love each other that our witness not be spoiled and many not recieve God into their heart.
These little ideas are from little minds full of pride and pride leads the way to a fall, and in the end these ideas are used by merchants to cause and profit from war because they see the differance fan the flames mix in a little news of mans inhumanity to man which is twisted into a religious ferver and the lovers of the God of Abraham (and no doubt others as well) kill each other over these ideas.
Reply:Wear it close to your heart.
Reply:You are right. The Protestants wear the plain crucifix as a sign that Jesus has risen from the dead.
Reply:I think you should wear whatever you feel comfortable with. Personally, I choose a simple cross as a personal reminder, but I have a Catholic friend who wears a crucifix. It's a matter of personal choice.
I am concerned for you, though, because you said that you were "baptized a Christian." Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, or is Christianity just a religion to you? Please examine your heart and make sure that you are truly a child of God and not just a religious person. Religion in and of itself is meaningless, without salvation through the blood of Jesus.
May God reveal Himself to you, and may your heart be fully receptive to His Word. :)
Reply:I've been led to believe the same thing. I highly doubt it's a hard-and-fast rule, but I've noticed the same tendency.
You have a faith and civil rights no matter where you are in the world. I am British and so proud of it I live in a nation that lets people pray to whomever they choose. I have a religion and as long as I dont force it on others I can show my pride in anyway I choose, that could be by wearing a habit, a simple cross and chain or a tshirt saying C. O. E. and proud its my right and i wont be told other wise.
Other religions exorcise the right to dress, pray and even preach in our our country and soon complain if we even look at them funny (this includes catholicism too not just muslim etc)
Please bear in mind that if a woman goes to iraq, iran, syria, they are expected to conduct themselves in that countrys tradtions or face penalties.
I thank god everyday that i am British and have freedom.
I dont wear a cross but i own one. given to me by my grandmother as something to remember her by, it has Jesus on it and I am COE I didnot know of the difference between them but I did not see it as an issue as 1 religion prays to the father and the son and the other to the father and the sons biological mother. Which always has made me wonder if Catholics pray to Mary why didnt they let women in their priest hood?
Reply:I think that you are correct... (and I do not care if I offend a muslim or not).. the emblem of the Cross is worn plain because we emphasize the Resurrection... whereas the Catholic emphasizes the sacraments and they are saved through mother Church... (supposedly)
Reply:This is what I have always heard too. I`m going to put this question on my watch list. I`d like to know also. Thanks for asking it.
Reply:My immediate reaction to a crucifix is that the wearer is a Roman Catholic or Anglo Catholic. It is customary for Protestants to wear plain crosses, to emphasise the all important fact that Jesus rose from the dead. Personally I wear a Huguenot cross. I wonder if the uninitiated would recognise it as a religious symbol? http://www.huguenotfellowship.org/cross....
Reply:Don't apologise in advance to people you might have offended. This is a reasonable question as to the source and truth of a stereotype. If anyone is offended by it, it's their problem and not yours.
Reply:Yes, traditionally Catholics wear the crucifix, Protesants wear a cross.
In my mind it doesn't matter. If you find the crucifix more meaningful, wear the crucifix.
Reply:I have never heard this, but i wear a plain cross. The reason is because my Lord and Savior Jesus isn't on that cross--he was taken down and rose the third day to reign. the empty cross to me represents what Jesus overcame. The cross with Jesus on it seems (to me) like they believe it isn't finished yet.
Reply:The bible teaches not to wear jewelry at all.
1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.
Reply:There's no such thing as a "plain crucifix". A crucifix is a Cross with the crucified Christ on it. This is what Catholics wear. Protestants wear a cross without Christ...and is called a "cross". Sometimes the high church Anglicans might wear a crucifix.
Reply:I've always been taught the same, and I've spent time in Catholic and Protestant churches (I'm a Protestant). Wear what you want, but some people are offended by crucifixes. I know some elders who think it is disgusting (not my opinion, but each has their own). Maybe talk to your pastor to make sure you won't offend anybody if you wear one.
Reply:Wear which one YOU like.
Don't worry about who you'll offend..........or which faith has which crucifix, or whose going to see it.
Wear which one you like and be humble.
Reply:Many Protestants believe the 2nd commandment forbids pictures of Christ plus the fact any representation would not be true to what He really looked like.
Reply:Generally speaking, Roman Catholics tend to be more apt to wear a crucifix with the Corpus (body of Christ) than a Protestant, who will often wear a plain cross or Celtic cross without the Corpus. The term "crucifix" generally implies the presence of the Corpus, whereas a "cross" need not have the body represented. There are many types of crosses and crucifixes, including the traditional Orthodox cross. I have seen a number of Protestants wearing the full crucifix on Good Friday. Other Protestants feel that the crucifix is morbid, remembering the dead Christ rather than honoring the risen one. However, whichever one you choose to wear is ultimately up to you.
Reply:A crucifix, according to my Oxford english dictionary, is the cross with an image of Christ on it. Anything else is simply a cross.
I am a Christian, from a british new frontiers church, and I have worn a cross on a chain since BEFORE I became a Christian, so for me it's not just an expression of faith, it was my husband's 5th anniversary gift to me, so woe betide anyone who tried to tell me I couldn't wear it! My cross is an expression of my husband's love for me although it means more than that now of course. How could anyone tell me not to wear it?
Reply:It is perfectly acceptible to wear a crucifix. I personally think the ones that are plain without the figure of Jesus are more accurate since it more eloquently shows that Jesus made the sacrifice but is not dead. A crucifix with the figure on it leaves me with a lingering image of suffering and sadness which is not what Jesus left us with. He left us with Joy for he conquered the grave and ransomed our souls. I guess it is basically whatever you feel.
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