Monday, July 27, 2009

Why do so many Canadians hate Toronto???

I'm not from Toronto. I'm from Winnipeg. I've NEVER been able to grasp why so many Canadians are so anti-Toronto. I've travelled throughout the world and been to many big cities, and Toronto is my favourite city in the world. It offers everything from history to architecture to nightlife to culture. There is a buzz in Toronto that is just not seen in any other Canadian cities, including Vancouver and Montreal.

And it's not just people from outside the realm of Toronto who bash the city -- I've heard people from towns near the GTA bash T.O.

And as for this "people from Toronto have an attitude" crap ... it's just that: C-R-A-P.

Torontonians may be a bit more aloof than people from other cities, but the same can be said about Parisians or Londoners. In a city of 5 million people, passersby don't always have time to say hello to you in the street.

Why do so many Canadians hate Toronto???
Toronto is a socialist cesspool.
Reply:Well, would you look at that. It looks like my opinion matters after all, eh "Mr_Canada"? Report It

Reply:I'm from Toronto and it's far from that, which is why I want to leave. Report It

Reply:80% of people I meet from Toronto are total bastards, they have this idea that everything outside Toronto is pure crap.
Reply:Thanks! I'm from Alberta and I just went to Toronto last year and I loved it. Not all Albertians are stupid! I thought there was so much to see and everyone was really nice to us. And what other place in Canada had the Hockey Hall of Fame? It was so cool. I don't think everyone bashes Toronto. I think you might just have a problem with Alberta!
Reply:Torontonians are a different breed. I have a colleague in Toronto who has travelled around the world and been everywhere imaginable ... yet his travels in Canada are limited to the GTA.

Torontonians have a tendency to have an insular view of life in Canada. A Torontonian would go to a town like Middle-of-Nowhere, Saskatchewan, and be upset because they can't get Turkish food at 3 a.m.
Reply:Mayor of Toronto should realize this %26amp; make this city better for locals %26amp; for tourists, Toronto have no attractions for tourists,things are very expansive, people are rude %26amp; boring like weather.
Reply:Well, you just answered your own question in your additional details. If you're from Alberta your opinion doesn't matter.

That is precisely why Toronto has such a bad rap in the West.

Just like Alberta has a bad rap in the East.

Canadians are Canadians, no matter where they come from. Every province has something to offer, and those that don't get supported by us here in Alberta.
Reply:StereoZ kind of sums it up...It's sad that he actually believes it. If Canada ever got an enema Toronto would be where they stick the hose..
Reply:well without Toronto a huge amount of money would go down the drain. Toronto is very diverse and rich in culture and how could anyone hate that? We are helping pay for things that are important and that cost the government a huge amount of money. Toronto is a major contributor to the Canadian economy. without Toronto where would Canada be? I know that, every place has to be treated equally but why can't Toronto get the kind respect it deserves?
Reply:Toronto is (as everyone knows) the centre of time, space and the universe in general - a car accident in Toronto will inevitably cause a rift in the spacetime continuum. The greatest city known to man. Atlantis was but a pale imitation to the wonders of Toronto; Lake Ontario is composed of the tears of those that, beholding the city's glory, broke down knowing that their place of origin will never match Toronto. The inhabitants of Toronto know this well: they remind everyone of their city's splendour, and how no city on Earth will ever match it.
Reply:I live downtown Toronto and the reason everybody hates us is because we are the "head Office" chief.
Reply:" many Canadians hate Toronto?"

Wow, such a strong word "hate".

Hate can be caused by several factors:

a) Fear/ ignorance of the unknown.

Toronto is multicultural; Toronto respects and integrates each culture into the current one further enriching it.

b) Limited exposure.

Toronto, due to its diversity can be foreign to some who are less exposed to diversity.

c) Faster pace of life.

As Toronto is one of the major economic areas in Canada, people live a in faster pace in order to contribute to the nation's economy.

d) Less personal connection.

There is a great influx of immigrants in Toronto. Being less warm may be due to that person adjusting to a new environment. Torontonians are willing to help, may even walk with you to get you to your destination if need be. One simply has to request. Nicely.

I had spoken to several people who visited Toronto and there is plenty of positive input.

Of course, it also depends on the person. If the person is positive, then plenty of positive things will be evident.

A case of a glass of water being half-full or half-empty. Same glass of water, opposite viewpoints.
Reply:I'm from Philly (well, outside actually) and visited Toronto in 1986 and came away so impressed that I too feel that it is my favorite city. It is so well kept and I loved the old city architecture. Culturally, it is as diverse as I could imagine. I suppose that people are comfortable in their ignorance and are afraid of open-mindedness as it applies toward anything. Besides, they are missing out on a great experience and personal growth by looking at the city in a narrow-minded way.
Reply:its not just canadians you know, over here in england there is a large body of people who hate toronto and want to see it destroyed, this is also true for most other countries, especially latvia.
Reply:Not jealousy as Torontonians think. Arrogance. Piss poor snotty attitude towards other people in the country.

The replies from Torontonians here such as fishead should give you an idea what I mean. They help prove my point.
Reply:Personally I hate Toronto because I am used to living in smaller towns and near the wilderness. To me Toronto is dirty, polluted, smoggy, stinky, overcrowded, loud, the atmosphere is cold and rude, the crime is high, there are tons of freaks and psychos, tons of homeless people, no green grass, very little nature, extremely noisy, people shoot people instead of hunting animals for food, everything is 3 to 4 times more expensive than elsewhere, and nobody knows how to drive properly in the winter or in any season for that matter. When I go there all I want to do is leave because I dislike that environment immensely and it stresses me out, also there is always some crazy drunken wierdo around that usually ends up talking to you... Its not that I think all people in Toronto think they are better I dislike the city, its culture and its atmosphere and I cant see why anyone would like it and want to live there!
Reply:Well the mayor wanting to make the GTA its own province and build a wall around it is a start. They think they're the centre of the universe. Heck the same could be said about all of Ontario. Montreal has much more culture and flair than Toronto. That being said, I'd rather be in and would feel safer in Toronto than Los Angeles or any slew of American cities.
Reply:Once you get out of Toronto the rest of Ontario is soooooooo

hick. You get dickheads wearing Rush T-shirts and shorting nineteen seventies hairstyles.

When you're part of the cultural elites the mullets will complain.
Reply:Who are Torontonians? Torontonians are ALL of us. There are 5.6 million people in Greater Toronto and 48% of them come from either another country or from another part of Canada. If the city is "hated" so much, then why do businesses -- both Canadian and international -- place their headquarters in Toronto? Why is it that almost every time I'm overseas and I tell someone I'm from Canada they always ask: "Are you from Toronto?" Why is it that Toronto is the No. 1 Canadian city for foreign tourists to travel to?
Reply:I think because Torontonians are "cute".
Reply:People hate Toronto but they don't have any good reasons. They tend to generalize--most people in Toronto do this....I doubt anyone knows MOST people in Toronto.

It is really unfair for so many to hate Toronto. I think what makes them even more angry is that we don't care to hate them back. We love everybody.

For those who live nearby Toronto and try to bash it----you are ridiculous.
Reply:I'm from New York, and Toronto is my favorite city on the planet. I suspect that those who slag off Toronto come from smaller cities and are jealous of it.
Reply:it's just popular to hate on toronto. probably because toronto is a big city, and people who live there always need to be reminded that toronto will always be as cold and miserable as the rest of canada, even if they are 5 million and have an opera and all the rest

i totally dig living in montreal. we're not better or worse than the rest of canada. we're just different in our own way. i couldn't call anywhere else home.

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