Hello. I'm a girl looking to join the military because of job security, the physical/mental challenge, scholarship money, and a better understanding of the world. From what I've read on Y!Answers, it seems that the majority of people recommend joining the AirForce over the Army b/c of laxer physical standards, better living conditions, and 'family friendly' environment. However, the Army can guarantee the job of my choosing, has more chances for promotion, and offers more scholarship money. BUT the downside is longer deployments. Personally, I think ground combat is where it's at, but the easy AirForce sounds appealing as well.. as it provides a smoother transition to civilian life.
I'm planning on doing ROTC to serve as an officer in military intelligence, signal corps, finance, or jag . Could you offer your advice/experience?
p.s. Navy is Ok.. I'm not too fond of the water.
I'm 19 and a woman. Air force VS Army?
Air Force is more female friendly. There is nothing wrong with the Army though.
Reply:Don't know where the lax physical comes in I'm in better shape than my brother in-law who was Navy and I'm Air Force. We both have been out for a while even then I was in better shape.. The physical regiments are not the same for all branches Marine are the hardest with Coast Guard at the bottom.....Believe me all branches require you to STAY in shape year round Even when your on IRR.
Reply:The air force is more lady friendly. Of course youre going to run into these self proclaimed alpha males everywhere you go that insist on making you feel like crap because youre a woman. But the Army, as I have found it, is very bad with respect to this. Ive never seen so much disrespecting of females in my life. But anywho if you want combat, youll probably see that no matter what branch you join. Its all about your quality of life. The air force is definately more family friendly and their quality of life is better. The army sucks *** in my opinion. I have several friends who went the Air Force route and they like it because aparantly they put more emphasis on the job then on being an actual soldier. I had a friend who was formerly air force then came into the army and he likes the air force way better because youre not treated like a common slave like you are in the army. But if you still cant decide, flip a coin.
Reply:Like you said the Army will guarantee you, your job. Matter of fact, you will be allowed to choose the job of your choice. The Army places you in an actual job, not a job field. The physical is tough in the army yes, but it will make you stronger, physically and mentally if you decide to leave the army. Our scholarship is more and chances to get your education is a lot easier in the Army.
As far as promotions go, you can be promoted up to PFC/E-3 before you even go to basic training. Or you will be an E-2 within 6 months and an E-3 within 12 months maybe sooner. You can and will be promoted quickly in the army as long as you do the right thing and keep control.
Look at the deployments, all services are deploying at record paces and record numbers, our deployments maybe longer but you will get more for it. hope this answers your questions.
Welcome to the Army
Army Strong
Reply:Just like my dad told me, "Never join the Army, and that was the mistake I made. I have been in 4 conflicts and saw too much. They own me. Son, join the Air Force because they will atleast treat you like a human being." And he also said, the only major job choosing "is being a piece of meat and shooting all the rest."
Now, my dad is the biggest patriotic person and probably messed up in the head from seeing death staring at him in the eyes. But, since he has major Army pride and told me to join the Air Force I'm pretty sure theres a reason for it. He's fought in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. And I have been damn proud of him because he has been in service since I was a baby, and I'm 18 years old. I hope this doesn't look like so much as an opinion as it is a first hand account from my father.
Reply:You've already hit on the fact that the Army offers more opportunities and quicker promotions. In the end, it all depends on what you feel better with. GO ARMY!
Reply:Haha, I'm going to join the army too(currently 16 :[ ). ROTC=Entering as an officer. So do ROTC. Also, because we're women we can't do combat, but the Airborne is closest to combat. And trust me, I want to do combat. So when you get into ROTC just tell them you want to become airborne
Reply:Recommend read "Band of Sisters", a book about women from all branches of the military and accounts of their military combat experience downrange (Iraq and Afghanistan).
Obviously everyone here has given you their personal opinions and it will be up for you to decide.
All branches are honorable and all provide promotional opportunities based upon merit.
I'd encourage you to try to speak with actual women in the Army and AIrforce and get their opinions. this is a big decision, and I like that you're using foresight.
You go girl.
Reply:Hunny, i come from a military family and my brother was the same like you are now. He asked around which military branch to get into. %26amp; everyone told him the U.S.A.F. %26amp; he said he didn't like that but yet they kept on telling him that he wouldn't be going to the middle east if he went into the Air Force. Well they were wrong, his recruiter told him that more than likely since we do have troops from all branches over there including the national guard(s), the Air Force would have military bases over there in the middle east just like Japan, and China, and Germany, %26amp; etc.......%26amp; the Air Force are the ones that have to hold down the forts over there after the Marines and Army %26amp; Navy pull out (whenever the decision is made).
So my brother took the Army b/c his recruiter is right. %26amp; was right. Right now my brother is in the Army and has 2 months left till he comes home to the base he's stationed at.
Other than that, whichever branch you get in, it depends on the job you have and how high you scored on your ASVAB Test to see if you can get into Intell., Signal Corps, or JAG or any other job out there in the branches.
I have an "E-Newsletter" that gets to me from a military website and other emails from other websites, and about the the whole college tuition being paid by the "G.I. Bill." The government is adding more money to the G.I. Bill so service members can have more tuition available %26amp; also you have something that has to do with Veterans pay for tuition and school. ((((%26amp; that whole thing about the G.I. Bill should be for all military branches, not just the Army))))).
Plus i do think if i remember correctly that you of course have to take a PT Test (Physical Training Test) which sees where you are at and if you are qualified to join the 5 branches. But all the branches for PT test are different to join, as you weight requirement, heighth requirement, healthy body, eye sight good, hearing good, etc.....
Like for example, the Army just upped their physical requirement to join from 134 lbs. to in between that weight and 155 lbs. depending on what heighth you are. %26amp; i think the military goes by heighth first and then by your weight. You either have to lose or gain weight. It's very strict.
%26amp; if you are planning to go to ROTC, make sure you get to officer or if not up that far in the ranks in college, then make sure you take it first, b/c no matter branch of ROTC you are in, you still get an extra rank for being in it %26amp; then you can also go on ROTC scholarships. If you become an officer in ROTC or JROTC, then you can go to OCS (Officer Candidate School) to learn how to be an officer and aka be a brown noser. LOL!
%26amp; Remember you have to be prepared to NOT tell anyone even family or your closest friends about intell. and what you do or how you do it or what missions you go on or what missions you are on and helping the missions and units. That is "IF"!
But make sure you get all the details from the military branches you are looking into. %26amp; another thing is, if you go for one job the Army you can always change it to another job in there. Any other branch, you can't.
%26amp; just FYI, recruiters will and do lie to get you in. So i would ask ex-military persons what its like, but also times have changed since they have been out and in too. %26amp; another good way to ask in going up onto yahoo chat rooms in the military chat rooms. There are tons of military people that will answer your Qs too.
Good luck.
Reply:In the military women are not put directly into combat (front line speaking), they are not authorized combat jobs (infantry, Field artillery) there is a higher Physical Fitness Standard but it is for your good trust me. you've probably heard more about the Air Force because they dont work as much and have alot more time to do this than SOLDIERS. If your wanting to get close to combat GO ARMY
Reply:Just to point something out about guaranteed jobs. The Air Force has guaranteed jobs and guaranteed areas. Its your choice if you want a guaranteed job or area.
The Army guarantees training. They do not guarantee that you will be doing the job that you sign up to do. They guarantee that you will be trained to do that job. Its on their contract.
I had a friend that signed up to do a computer job in the Army. He never got to do his computer job. He did get his training for the computer job during the last 6 months of his enlistment. They needed him else where for the first 3 1/2 years. You are always a soldier first in the Army. If they don't need you as a soldier first, then you can do the job you signed up to do.
I got my guaranteed job in the Air Force.
Reply:As a veteran of the Navy as a Corpsman and the Army as an M.P. . I can only speak about them from personal experience. I had great training in both, I was placed in life or death situations in both, and I lived through them both. If you are going ROTC... may I suggest J.A.G. ?
Reply:I am a retired Marine, and the WM's are some tough women, ever think of the Marines?
Also tough yet beautiful...almost left that out..yikes
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