Tuesday, July 28, 2009

God spoke to me about hell!?


I don't know what to do about it; I had this dream that God shoed me hell and told me that I have to speak to the Pope.

He showed me hell!

There were people burning, even new born babies swimming in molten steel. I could hear them squeeling.

It rained flames, and he siad that the temperature was about 1,300*C

There were chambres below where people suffered pain even worse than what these bruning babies suffered.

I was in chambre one.

God siad that chambre 2 is 20 times nastier than chambre 1, and that chambre 3 is 20 times nastier than chambre, 3 and that chanmbre 4 was worse than chambre 3 and so on.

He then wenrt on to say that there was more than 700 chambers, and I saw a new born baby burning in chamber 721.

What can I do to warn the world of this fate of mysery?

God spoke to me about hell!?
stop eating pickles before bed. babies are innocent; why would they go to hell? if all of this is true, then your best bet is to simply pray for people, i suppose. not just people you know, but for the world. i don't think what you saw was actual, but a dream representational of the downward spiral the world is on today. society and culture are losing their morals and values so rapidly it is rather frightening. people are being taught from an early age that feel-good ethics are the social norm, hence all your burning babies. do some meditation and use your dream as a reminder not to let yourself be dragged in along with the crowd. and of course, do what you can to encourage your peers and others around you to do what is truly right so as to preserve a little bit of good in this fast and mad world we live in.
Reply:are you going to go talk to the pope?
Reply:God does not exist, hell does not exist and you need to take your medication.
Reply:The Hell was invented for someone who was so crazy..
Reply:You are so pathetic.
Reply:Stop believing in this horrible BS and see a shrink.
Reply:I'm 100 percent sure you wouldn't have had that dream if you didn't know anything about Christianity, it was just a dream which means you made it up. And I'm also 100 percent sure this isn't going to convince us atheists there is a God.

Besides why would there be a newborn baby in chamber 721, what the hell could they have done that was so bad to get them there, they must have murdered a lot of people in the very short time they were alive huh? Simply amazing.
Reply:It is probably symbolic of your inner world and psychology.

Often your subconscious will take outer symbols that are very familiar in culture, and use them to represent aspects of your inner self or inner world.

Not to say your inner world is hell! Just saying the dream could symbolize a situation or inner struggle, or suffering.

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