Monday, July 27, 2009

Was The Devil In Babylon With Nimrod? (More 2 Answer)?

Hello all, I just want to know mainly from religious leaders like Rabbis, Priests or Sheikhs because they would answer my question above and would know the truth espeically a Rabbi because the Torah is Alllah/G_D's oldest book and I want to know also how many signs where seen/occured that was written in the Torah/Bible/Quran and has happened in our lifetime ever since Babylon? Would you all please help for this questioned to be answered because I feel something is going to happened very soon in our lifetime so we need to know if the War of all Wars is coming soon between "The Man" and "Prophet Jesus" (My belief in him) and if Zion is going to rise further up into the skies or if Zion will be destroyed, but my Brothers and Sisters when this War comes choose wisley because our destiny is going to begin and Brothers and Sisters let Peace come out of this War that we all hate but we must fight whoever we are for our cause so that this whole world shall become as One; P,U,C,M and Love! JFK!

Was The Devil In Babylon With Nimrod? (More 2 Answer)?
Each religion (ie Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) have differing views of the nature of the satan (or devil). In Jewish thought, the satan is an angel, created and designated by God, to perform several functions at God's behest. The two main duties of the satan is to tempt man (our job is to resist these temptations). The second is to act as accuser and prosecutor as each soul comes before God for judgment.

Back to the original question: Was the satan in Babylon with Nimrod? The answer is obviously 'yes' and Nimrod fell hook, line and sinker for every temptation placed before him by the satan.

As you say, the Torah is God's oldest book(s). It is clear from the Torah and supported by the Prophets and Writings that follow and are canonized into the written Hebrew Scriptures that at the end of day's, despite being amongst the smallest of nations, Zion, ie the Jews, will ultimately prevail with God's help. As a result of the war, all mankind will come to recognize God as the Creator of the Universe and renounce all the false religions, and in their place take on the responsibilities and obligations of all non-Jews as spelled out in the 7 laws of the children of Noah.


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