Monday, July 27, 2009

Raise your hand if you think it is a good thing to take God out of the schools!!?

I mean we live in such a scary unforgiving world. Where child molesters and murderers run rampant. All those evil acts fueled by satan. And God is the only one who can possibly save our children. I don't know about u but I think that is a great reason to take God out of the schools. Why teach our children about there only assurance and real safety?

C'mon keep that hand up




Raise your hand if you think it is a good thing to take God out of the schools!!?
Yep, I think it's a good idea to keep church and state separate.

If you want God in your classroom, go to a parochial school. Religion has absolutely no place in public schools.
Reply:Let's say, for example, we DO have a state religion and it's NOT yours. Would you be willing to have your children be abused, verbally and physically, because they do not believe what's being taught in class? Where's God's protection then? Report It

Reply:God should be taken out of everything - it is well and truly time this myth was busted!
Reply:Sarcasm does not become you, but well-put anyway...
Reply:In my point if we take god out of our schools and the pledge and all that...we are just throwing god away and saying that we dont need him when we really do...He's there for us when we need him..he answers us..maybe not when we want him to but he does
Reply:I can only say ur great. your question gave me these 2 free points. Thanks.
Reply:only god himself can take him self out of schools, this is good 4 the kids, as it teaches them the right way to live, what do u want , drug's an stuff like that in our schools, i dont think so, well i can tell your a careing person, not, but i dont think u will get the ans u want from us, but good luck anyway and thanks 4 the 2 points lol
Reply:Youre not getting y hand they should yeach them = about god and evil!
Reply:Delusional superstition, (God) has no place in any school. Religion is the ultimate con. It is government protected, tax free and the product they sell doesn't have to be delivered until you reach a place that doesn't exist. Little wonder so many people jump on this manured money wagon. Children would be better served if they are protected from silly and dangerous god concepts.
Reply:So if satan fuels the bad acts, and the good guys have "god" how is this going to cut down on crime? criminals dont give a f#ck about god

hand up
Reply:Hands down
Reply:i think that we should keep god in schools so that kids will learn that they need to obey and follow his ryles so we don't end up with a hoodlum generation
Reply:If you were to put God into the schools which God? Who's God? And what about the need to separate church and state and the protections inherent in that? This country began with many immigrants desires to have religious freedom and yet this debate is a move to institutionalize one version of religious thought over many others. If I want my child to have a specific religious education I will send him or her to a parochial school of my choosing...
Reply:You probably can't see it, but I'm not raising my hand. The USA was founded on Christian principles. It's part of our Constitution and part of our Pledge. It's on our money. It is part of the oath of the President. We need God in our schools. Our children need God in their lives.
Reply:i think they should of kept it in the schools I'm an atheist and i think all those other atheist that made a huge deal about god is wrong we have the right to believe what we want so why not let our kids know their options my daughter goes to church every week and loves god and knows in her heart that hes her savior but just because i don't believe in him doesn't mean that she has to follow my beliefs i think that's what atheist are worried about that if their kids learn about god then they have to hear about it to the way i see it is we let them believe that they have an invisible friend why cant we let them chose what they want to believe
Reply:there is nothing wrong with keeping religion outside of the school inless it is a school of religion. It is important that the schools teach morals.
Reply:Your ignorance only continues an already invalid arguement.
Reply:if you want your child to go to a school with god in it, send him/her to a christian school. Keep god out of public schools and the government for that matter.
Reply:You know, I'm a Christian and I hear about the government trying to take God out of the schools, and the ACLU's attacks on Christianity all the time.

And yes it is obvious that the secular world does not want any mention of God in any public forum (and arguably anywhere else for that matter)

But here's the thing. If man can "take" God out of the public forum, then what kind of God is He really? If man can eliminate God, then He must not actually be God.

The world goes as the church goes. If Christians were really concerned about their world then they would first correct the problems in the church (and in themselves).

2nd Chronicles has the answer.

It says, "If MY people, who are called by my name, will humble THEMSELVES and pray, and turn from THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land."

God said that it was His people who needed to humble themselves, it was His people who needed to turn from THEIR wicked ways, and it was His people who needed to pray. He didn't say it was the secularists, agnostics, atheists.... He said it was His people who needed to straighten up, and then He would fix the godlessness we see in our world.

I'm not saying that Christians should not resist these efforts to supress the gosple, and mention of God and Christ. What I'm saying is that Christians are trying to fight against the secularists in their own strength, and in the ways of the world. Again Scripture teaches that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and spritual wickedness in high places. You can't beat that in a court room, you beat that by repentance and prayer.
Reply:Look how well the strategy is working. We've spent the last thirty plus years letting the ACLU tell us what is good for our children.

If you think our schools are improving because we're spending this much time trying to kick God out of every aspect of our community life, then you're just plain ignorant.

Our schools are headed down the toilet. I can mark the time when it started happening by the red letter day when we demanded God not be let in the school.

I guess if you can't add things up you wouldn't see that. Maybe your school failed you. Maybe your school failed because it became chaotic as a result of having no moral compass anymore.

You get it?????
Reply:Worshiping God is a choice. It should not be taught and it should not be banned. I like the moment of silence.

Since when does God save children? He doesn't. We are all responsible for alerting our children to the evils in the world.
Reply:Your detail makes no sense. You say that God should be taken out of schools but you say that he is the only one that can help our kids?

My hand is down. But don't worry.

THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY!! Think about this. Because we are taking granted of the bill of rights and the U.S. Constitution, both documents may be stripped of us citizens. No more free speech, no more freedom to relgion, no more right to bear arms none of that.

So chill out. You'll get your way soon. But you'll lose privileges too.
Reply:i think that it is a bad a idea to take god out of the schools
Reply:First of all, God is not going to come down and hand everything to you on a silver platter; He gave us all free will, so he really has nothing to do with our actions; we're responsible for ourselves; yes, all the negatives happening in the world are horrible, so why don't YOU start changing them??? And by the way, I think we should still have prayer in the schools; whoever wants to pray, pray...if not, then don't...
Reply:How did you manage to write such a confusing statement? If God is the only One who can save the children, why take Him out of schools? Just curious. Go well, and God Bless!
Reply:Putting God back in schools is the answer!
Reply:i raise my hand - both hands even.
Reply:They already have in public schools. The schools that are run and funded by our government can't have God in the schools because of the seperation of church and state. I am not defending this. Just saying why. They can't take God out of Christian schools because they are private

In high school, I used to carry my bible around with me and read it in my free time. The teachers and hall moniters let me because they had bigger things to worry about. I used to study it with a friend during lunch. And in elementary, they used to have a few bibles in the library. In the Southfield area of Michigan, where my friend went to school, they even had a biblical history class and this was also a public school.

Just some food for thought.
Reply:I think it would be great to have "Spirituality and religion" as a course to take - so students would get an overview of alternative worships (and athieism and agnostcism as well) But I do believe there should not be pictures of God around in non-secular schools, and no one should be forced to recite anything supporting allegiance to any belief.
Reply:About a hundred years ago, when I was in school, every day began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. But, when I went to school, where I went to school, there were none but christian kids attending. People of different faiths populated different neighborhoods, so the kids, mostly, went to different schools and, if they had prayers in each one, those prayers conformed to a specific belief. Now days, with the myriad of cultures and faiths represented, it would be impossible to offer prayer every day without offending and alienating somebody. I whole heartedly agree that a daily prayer in schools would be positive, but there seems to be no way to reinstate it without creating squabbles that would probably be more disruptive than a prayer would be worth. What's more, it's really the parents responsibility to see that their children get whatever religious instruction they see fit, not the schools.
Reply:God is NOT the only one who can save our children - try studying Humanism. It has plenty to say on the subject, without being some cult believing in some sort of supernatural boogey man.

But on a practical note - if a school has 1000 children, 950 of them receive indoctrination for a particular religion %26amp; the other 50 are assorted other religions - who do you think the 950 will pick on %26amp; verbally %26amp; physically abuse. That's what children do.

If parents want their children to learn about their faith let the parents teach them - don't waste my tax-dollars on it. Aren't there enough other things that should be taught in schools, that we don't have time %26amp; monyey for ?

Can't parents teach their children good moral values ?
Reply:GOD SUCKS !!!!!


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